If You're Serious About Making Money Online You'll Have To Convert Visitors Into Buyers, To Do That You'll Need Persuasive Sales Copy.

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Who is Richard G. Lewis & Why should you listen to him?

Richard G. Lewis is a copywriter, consultant, and author. He helps entrepreneurs and copywriters to use the power of psychology, influence, and persuasion to improve their bottom line.
Since 1998 he has created hundreds of sales letters, ad campaigns, and marketing campaigns.
Richard has written numerous e-books, and published books, including the bestseller, The Small Business Guide to the Internet (1998), which was the first book ever written about e-commerce.
He has degrees in business, and computing, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, is a qualified Chartered Marketer, and is an ‘expert’ in e-commerce as recognized by the UK Expert Witness Directory.
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